| 寫入 12/12/21 (五) 03:02:52 From 60.251.* | Misty Mountains 聽起來蠻有味道的,回想到山上許多艱難行程的晚上 [相關連結] http:\\v.youku.com [相關連結] http:\\www.youtube.com Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night, The fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches blazed with light. 還有這首pippin's song [相關連結] http:\\www.youtube.com Home is behind The world ahead And there are many paths to tread Through shadow To the edge of night Until the stars are all alight Mist and shadow Cloud and shade All shall fade All shall fade
| 發表 venation | 寫入 13/02/25 (一) 22:59:10 From 36.227.* | 嗯, 是感謝別的學長對於我留言的關照鼓勵啦。 這十年也過得多采多姿, 的確值得回味啊。 明賢學長, 10年前那支隊伍, 赫然發覺我們同隊耶, 真是很棒的神鬼一遊! 敬賀 一本初衷 永保喜樂 ^ ^
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| | 發表 jimmylin(小林) 回給 venation | 寫入 13/02/22 (五) 15:24:07 From 111.240.* | |
| | 發表 venation | 寫入 13/02/19 (二) 21:49:19 From 1.164.* | 感謝學長的關照! 因為十年前我許了瘋狂(?)的願望, 所以十年來進行了一點很傻但很有趣的嘗試。 到現在,基本條件總算齊全, 只是個人腦力有點耗竭啦。 總之,留得青山在, 這條路當然走得下去優。 [相關連結] http:\\www.youtube.com Quoted: May it be the shadow's call Will fly away May it be your journey on To light the day When the night is overcome You may rise to find the sun
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| | 發表 venation | 寫入 13/02/14 (四) 19:30:17 From 1.162.* | 真得感觸良多。 十年前,魔戒三部曲上映時, 我剛剛從那樣的大山原野回來, 所以花了三年進戲院慢慢緬懷。 十年後,魔戒前傳上映, 正是我非常想重訪大山原野的時候, 所以繼續慢慢進行那些小小的計畫。 十年來, 有時會氣餒, 有時陷入低潮, 有時非常懷疑自己, 究竟這條路走得下去嗎? 這首歌的低沉鼓舞, 那時候的傻瓜信念, 希望能支持自己走向下一個十年… Quoted: "All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
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| | 發表 jimmylin(小林) | 寫入 12/12/21 (五) 03:02:52 From 60.251.* | Misty Mountains 聽起來蠻有味道的,回想到山上許多艱難行程的晚上 [相關連結] http:\\v.youku.com [相關連結] http:\\www.youtube.com Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night, The fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches blazed with light. 還有這首pippin's song [相關連結] http:\\www.youtube.com Home is behind The world ahead And there are many paths to tread Through shadow To the edge of night Until the stars are all alight Mist and shadow Cloud and shade All shall fade All shall fade
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