現在位置:rayjennywang 的地盤
| 寫入 10/02/28 (日) 06:36:04 From 173.66.* | Hi Jenny and Ray, I have sent in a check of $600 for three people. Because of the heavy snow at D.C., I don't know whether it will arrive on time (by end of Feb.) Please let me know if you received it. Shu Jing |
| 發表 rayjennywang(raywang) | 寫入 10/03/08 (一) 01:45:59 From 69.230.* | Dear Shu Jing, Yes, I have received your check and made the deposit on 3/5. Thank you! Jenny | ↑ |
| | 發表 shujingyen | 寫入 10/02/28 (日) 06:36:04 From 173.66.* | Hi Jenny and Ray, I have sent in a check of $600 for three people. Because of the heavy snow at D.C., I don't know whether it will arrive on time (by end of Feb.) Please let me know if you received it. Shu Jing | ↑ |