現在位置:Frank 的地盤
| 寫入 09/05/22 (五) 10:29:47 From 139.175.* | |
| 發表 Frank | 寫入 09/06/13 (六) 16:03:47 From 114.32.* | Hi Irisa: About 桃山,a few people have registered already and you should have met most of them. About 雪北, I think you are ok, you can join our cyclying activities for self-train purpose. Wenchi | ↑ |
| | | 發表 Frank | 寫入 09/05/26 (二) 13:57:39 From 202.167.* | Hi Irisa: Very welcomed!! But don't know you are interested in 桃山/喀拉業 or 雪北, pls sepcify. Basically, my brother 文翔, small O will join 桃山. 雪北, so far, only my brother will go with me. About the difficulty level, you can check with PigFace, he's been to both before. 文祺
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