| 寫入 08/12/15 (一) 17:06:50 From 220.142.* | 「海角七號」我覺得最能感染我的是唸那幾封日語發音中文字幕的信的部分, 最不喜歡的是恆春地方的居民怎麼表現出來的是粗俗的一面, 其他的覺得很普通. 但好久沒有看到國片了, 總是有期待. 以下這篇政治角度的評論倒是值得一看. 政治是部分人喜歡, 部分人厭惡的東西. 有的人厭惡政治, 卻關心政治, 我是屬於這一類的. 轉錄自: [相關連結] http:\\blog.nownews.com 海角七號金馬大獎全軍覆沒,證明台灣人的品味是有問題的!? 原著 [相關連結] http:\\www.taiwanus.net [Eunice]於2008-12-10 08:41:23上傳 [許永德] 第四十五屆金馬獎落幕,台灣電影全軍覆沒,再一次證明台灣人的品味是有問題的,起碼在看電影的品味上。為什麼不是金馬獎評審有問題?因為金馬獎評審都急著想當中國電影的推手,這些「有品味的評審」根本覺得喜歡「海角七號」的台灣人是沒有水準的,更重要的:被中國杯葛的電影,如果你給他大獎,中國就杯葛你金馬獎,將來就不邀請這些評審去中國,甚至就將這些評審列入黑名單,封殺! 我自己是學電影的,學習製作三年,研究所念「電影學」兩年,在大學教電視電影,不敢稱自己是電影學者,因為電影學者認為票房好的電影不可能會是最佳影片。「海角七號」在台灣的票房,可以打敗歷史上任何一部台港中出品的電影,甚至幾乎打敗歷史上任何一部洋片,連沒有看過「海角七號」的台灣人都可以判定,它一定是台灣電影史上的最佳影片,甚至幾乎是世界電影史上的最佳影片。但是「海角七號」卻不是金馬獎的「最佳電影」,那麼台灣觀眾的品味不是有問題是什麼? 最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳男女主角獎,台灣電影通通沒份,如果錯不在金馬獎評審,錯一定是在台灣觀眾沒品味,難不成是錯在「電影」這個東西本身?其實真正的錯,是在台灣是鳥不語花不香、不應該有文化、不應該有電影的中國的「地方」;也錯在魏德聖導演不應該拿阿扁時代的新聞局輔導金拍電影的。專門負責對台統戰的陳雲林看了「海角七號」,認為魏德聖的電影拍得並不好,只有電影裡面台灣的海是美麗的,只有電影裡面台灣的土地是牠想要的。 馬英九碰什麼,什麼就倒,圓環、西門市場、萬華地下街以外,連他上任總統就奇蹟似地破票房紀錄的「海角七號」,都得不到「九劉政府」辦的第一次金馬獎應有的肯定,因為這一切代表台灣庶民文化的東西,都是馬政府要消滅的。今年金馬獎不但不願將大獎頒給台灣電影,金馬影展還對「大導演」李行作了六十年回顧展,打從我讀電影,就流行一句話:「李行,你到底那裡行?」回顧他的六十年電影生涯,有三十年幫國民黨拍政治宣傳片,而過去的這三十年,連一部電影也沒拍過吧?為什麼為他作回顧?國民黨專制獨裁政權都復辟了,回顧一下國民黨大導演當然也沒啥不可,更何況他可是道道地地的中國人、中國導演。 台灣在反共抗俄的時代,曾經是亞洲電影王國,卻在過去十年,幾乎可以宣布台灣電影已經死亡,今年好不容易看到好幾部由馬英九口中的「前朝」輔導出來的「國片」,包括「海角七號」、「囧男孩」、「渺渺」等眾多好電影大放異彩,有的叫好、有的叫座,更有的既叫好又叫座,然而「今朝」新聞局主辦的金馬獎,仍然寧願把大獎頒給香港中國合製、空有好萊塢技術,內容卻完全不知所云的電影,也不願意對納稅來辦如此盛會的台灣人,掏錢進戲院看台灣電影的台灣觀眾有所交代,除了可悲和可恥,想不出其他的話語可以形容。 許永德(世新大學廣播電視電影系兼任講師) ---------------
| 發表 suza(阿霞) 回給 shujingyen | 寫入 09/06/13 (六) 17:30:34 From 59.104.* | 原來是淑菁,好久不見 能在這裡交流真是感到歡欣呢 這個高中生是一個比較特殊的女學生 因為很有自己的想法且在校成績不好, 所以在學校受到老師與同學的排擠(無法繼續讀下去) 目前休學自讀(或許這樣,才擁有她特有的個性吧----多少 很會讀書的高材生在教育下只能隨波逐流呢) 所以我很喜歡她 我覺得青少年的小孩本來就尚未定型 很多想法都是跳躍地、不滿現狀的甚或是誇張地 我並不覺得這有什麼不好 我比較注重一個人的人格與個性 其他有關思維性的東西,不可能每個人都相同 所以儘管我和她常常想法不一樣甚至完全相反 我們卻是非常好的朋友(居然我們的年齡是相差20幾歲) 所以對於海角七號這部電影(甚或說對於其他的事件都一樣) 我並不覺得每個人需要一致 我欣賞不同個人的非常不同的思維 這些就是真實的人吧 所以我也欣賞這裡每個人的想法 他們為我提出了我個人人生經驗中所未觸及的 不管喜歡與否,我都珍惜 很高興妳也提出了很多個人的思維 真快樂有這個平台 大家可以交流呢 在國外,一切保重囉 阿霞
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| | 發表 suza(阿霞) 回給 chiwen (及文) | 寫入 09/06/13 (六) 17:29:10 From 59.104.* | 及文: 謝謝你分享想法與心情 一件作品可以讓來自多方向的人擁有不同的思維 就我的美學經驗裡,是好的 有時,甚至作品本身不必表達什麼 觀者可以就自身的經驗得到體驗 儘管每個人不同(因為每個人的人生經歷不會相同) 也不管接收到的思維是好事壞 我都覺得是好事呢 電影我是不怎麼懂 只是用美學概念來看待事件而已呢 現在才知道有「冏男孩」這部電影(我不看電視或新聞的) 謝謝推薦 會找機會觀賞喔 真得很高興聽到你的想法咩 阿霞
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| | 發表 shujingyen 回給 suza (阿霞) | 寫入 09/06/11 (四) 00:51:32 From 69.181.* | This is 淑菁, Thank you for reading my essay and sending your reply and sharing your thoughts as well as the reply from this high school student! I am amazed and encouraged by the maturity of his or her thoughts. Because I must confess that, I have not thought too much about these issues when I was at that age. It was not until I came to the U.S. (Maryland) when most Americans I met were very curious about where I came from and what is Taiwan like to the point that I must memorize the relative position of Taiwan with respective to Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and China (sadly) as well as the critical statistics and historical facts in order to be prepared to answer their questions. As I get mature, i.e. older and had my own children, I started thinking about how to explain to them where their parents came from… I am very chatty so I talk to a lot of people from different countries while I was at Univ of Maryland which is a very diverse Univ with students from all over the world. I think the only time I can tell when a person was not very proud of his country of origin was a person from Somalia, which really does not have a government per se. So everyone NEEDS to have a sense of pride when it comes to their home country. But you may express your national pride in various different levels and this is a personal choice. Although I feel that that national pride is essential, we ought to deal with it as rational as possible. Some people are in my opinion too extreme which may or may not be helpful in some situations. I personally made a mistake one time when I told a professor who just married a young woman from China that I am from Taiwan and I don’t want to be associated with anyone from China. In the hindsight, that was such a STUPID thing to do as I lost a great chance to be able to communicate with him and her about my position on the Taiwan-China conflict. This high school student mentioned how he or she was bothered by the fact that the love story was told from the Japanese perspective as if somehow that affects our national pride. I really don’t understand where this is coming from. I think this is a classic situation when we are so insecure about who we are that we read so much into everything. Again, this is only a movie, actually a comedy (that is for its worth is to entertain people). People are taking this movie too seriously than it was meant to be. This is not a history lesson. In a way, I feel bad for the writer and the director. Because there are so much riding on this and many people have their pre-dispositions. Let us face it, it is impossible to please everyone and it is impossible to be politically correct on everything and it is impossible to explain everything the occurred in our history in 2 hours. You really need a miniseries to accomplish all this and still not everyone will be happy. This student also needs to respect the choices that the director made in telling HIS story. Note this is his story. Honestly, the basic respect to other's ideas and expressions are perhaps one very important thing I learned from Western culture and frankly we lacked in our traditional teaching. (I am off-topic!) I really think the source of the over-enthusiasm or irrational exuberance might lie in the fact that there were just so few Taiwanese movies in the past that could stir up so much emotions and debates. Therefore, people frankly expect too much from this one tiny movie. The solution might be that we need more movies of this nature, movies that are not afraid of taking on controversial but relevant topics and get people talking and thinking about these issues. So I want to end by saying that the director needs a good pat in his back for being a pioneer. Of course, you would wish Ang Lee will make such a movie, but he has not. So the obvious question is where is Ang Lee when we need him? 淑菁
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| | 發表 chiwen(及文) | 寫入 09/06/10 (三) 21:39:43 From 140.127.* | 阿霞學姐, 看你寫到 -------蠻遺憾的是,所有這些感動人的東西,卻必須透過兩個日本人為主線 這讓我又有點民族意識受挫(在看電影時,就有點不平衡) 我有一點想法 我覺得這只是用另一個角度來看台灣這塊土地 畢竟那個老師和友子,也在這塊土地上生活過,也和這邊的人發生聯繫 他們所經歷的,便是這塊土地共同記憶的一部份 從新康下山,途經八通關古道 沿途有好幾座戰事紀念碑 上面大多寫著:大正X年 XXX戰死之地 先不論他們對待原住民的手段如何 對他們而言,也是懷著抱負,遠渡重洋 為自己的國家貢獻生命,甚至埋骨於此 他們也會是這塊土地的一部份 甚至於,他們遠在日本的家人,或許也因此和台灣產生聯繫 把不同背景不同時空的事情濃縮在一部電影裡 或許本來就不是容易的事情 但是我也不特別喜好這部電影 總覺得串場的書信文字十分突兀,也十分矯情 在海角七號上映的同時 還有一部我很喜歡的國片,或許也因為海角的光芒而被遮蓋了 是楊雅喆導演的「冏男孩」 沒有太多的刻畫和鋪陳,故事的結構也十分簡單 但卻讓人對片中演員的表現印象十分深刻 大家有興趣不妨可以租DVD回家看一下
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| | 發表 suza(阿霞) | 寫入 09/06/10 (三) 11:56:48 From 211.74.* | 以下這些是當時在讀書會中對這部電影的往返信件 這段時間我太偷懶 加上 我們又增添了一份屬於讀書會的網頁(山林支稜) 都沒有好好在此張貼 趁這個機會補貼一下吧 阿霞 --------------------- Dear All, 想推蔫大家去看海角七號,雖然我可能慢了好幾拍! 我其實很喜歡看國片,但是,有好一陣子,覺得自己都 看不懂,這次,真的很好看,很感動,也很開心,上次 看色戒,沈重到站不起來,這一次,我忘了自己是在戲 院裡,在最後那場的演唱會中,差點就以為自己也是現 場熱情的觀眾而跟著唱起來跳起來..............! 快去看,快去看,很快樂的片子! 令淑 ------------------ 我附議。有好聽的歌,很溫馨,沒有一個壞人。 兩個小時一直在笑,雖然有時不知那裡好笑。 女兒說她在國外看不到很遺憾,因為網友為了支持國片, 全面抵制盜版,這一次大家倒是很團結。 人先 ----------------------- 才想怎都沒人推薦這部超夯的電影呢 我們也去看了 颱風天 差點買不到票 第一排 看到脖子抽筋 散場時 看到我家那位 眼角滴淚 (誰說臺灣沒人才? ^_^) 平凡的人演出感人的戲 聽年輕助理說有人看了九次 或許 趕流行是讓自己年輕的方法 (下次可能去聽王立宏演唱會) 羊咩咩 PS. 有人買到明年太陽馬戲團的票了嗎? --------------------- 我也是有超過十個月沒去看電影 可是週六去看了這部 海角七號 非常的喜歡! 覺得是部拍的很美 很幽默 很溫情 當然有許多愛的元素 很好看 有很多很多的感覺..... 待夜深人靜時再與大家分享.... ----甜筒 -------------------- 我趕快上Youtube 看了五分鐘預告片, 卻眼眶濕了... 文瑕說我人比我的文字好相處, 因為我寫太少了... 這 laptop 竟沒中文鍵, 以後不更難相處了嗎? sigh.... Limay -------------------
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| | 發表 suza(阿霞) | 寫入 09/06/10 (三) 11:48:11 From 211.74.* | 是學長嗎? 看了這封用心寫出的長長的想法 我想 就可說這部電影是有其份量的 我自己很喜歡這部電影(你所提到的也曾是我想過的呢) 以下是在讀書會的信件中曾經寄出去的我的想法 這是在看完了電影後 聽到一位高中生強烈批判時 寫給她的,對於這部電影的一些個人想法 想用這篇最原始的觀後感 來回覆學長的用心 不過 我倒不喜歡後來台灣人超過份『瘋狂』的看待這部電影 這讓我感到有點不是很正常的看待整個事件 當然這與電影無關,我說的是『人』 阿霞 以下是當時的信件: Posted: 21 Feb 2009 20:34 Post subject: Re:「海角七號」 這是我當時回覆一個討厭海角七號的高中生的信 目前對象不同,也懶得再修飾了,就原形畢露起來 那位高中生的回覆也放在後面 大家可以思考幾下 阿霞 ------------------ 下面是我喜歡電影的原因:(容我長話短說,也些事說的太清楚就沒意思了,可能是妳自己需要去思考的) -------我很喜歡其片名,光看名字,我就會很好奇想看 海角是一個虛的,可能不存在的地方,不知七號是否也是虛的? 名字已經告訴我,這可能是個不存在的地方,雖然最後它被找出來了 但是,找出來和沒有找出來之間有何差別? -------我始終有很大的民族意識,雖然我很少關心現況社會 但是,站在對外的眼上,我的民族意識應該算是強的 這也是,我一直沒想到要去日本的原因之一 因此,對於一個新的導演,一個台灣的年輕人所製作出來的這麼感人的故事,我怎可苛求 如果台灣是家鄉,我願意為家鄉人喝采 這是,我不忍心苛求這部電影的理由之一 反而,我應該用鼓勵與愛的心來看待 對待墾丁或其他台灣遭受到的大地,我也是如是傷心的看待 -------我們年輕時代的日本文學,其細膩度,我想除了張愛玲 很少有人可以比擬,張愛玲是我年輕時的最愛,就像日本的川康端成、山島由紀夫、介川龍之介 (當時的日本三大文學家,後來都是切腹自殺) 這部電影讓我想起那個年代,我曾經瘋狂的年代 或也是對自己的年輕的一種,不知如何去看待歲月的感嘆吧 前幾個月,我才把三島的金閣寺又看了一次呢 -------劇中那種對愛情的過程,也讓我想到人生, 人生有許多事,都像是這樣,而不只是愛情故事而已,對我,只是藉著這段引線,來思索 一些人生問題(這又牽涉到金剛經),這大概是為何 當我在看電影時,一邊流淚一邊又笑的原因 -------我也很喜歡那些讓人逗笑的小人物 他們所說的話很幽默,我覺得很好笑。 -------蠻遺憾的是,所有這些感動人的東西,卻必須透過兩個日本人為主線 這讓我又有點民族意識受挫(在看電影時,就有點不平衡) -------其中,把看海,鋪設成當地人(或是台灣人的所好),讓人有點感嘆 我不知道還有多少台灣人會這麼看海,真的有點感慨 這些是當時看電影時的感受,到現在我都覺得實在很難說清楚 妳就姑且聽聽吧 我想這不是一個完美無缺的電影,然而,李安我都不覺得拍得好了, 這個第一次拍長片的年輕人,怎麼會差呢? ---------------------------------------- 下面是高中生的回覆: 海角七號麻..... 一部電影在於一個中心思想 要是裡面表達的事有破綻 那表示導演還不夠了解他所愛的台灣,他所愛的海 再來就是 1我無法接受一個警察還要跟一個不戴安全帽的人說對不起,台灣的交通亂七八糟,人們亂開車,就是因此而來!這根本不算甚麼人情,而是無知的害人害己 2我沒辦法接受為何海灘上不能只有外國樂團,一定要有台灣團 3人家飯店全都張羅好的演唱,居然能被一群流氓如此破壞,而且還項英雄一樣,請外國樂團不事甚麼傷天害理的事,我們是一個地球,不是只有台灣,如果好的東西沒辦法被台灣人尊重,世界也不會尊重台灣了! 4那個樂團,大家真的有努力嗎?都想強出頭,我覺得連the full monty都比他們努力一百倍,要成功絕對不是這樣,我經歷過現在台灣人這種做事態度,會被棄死阿.最嚴重的是,沒人有意識,反正有沒有成公都沒差.自己有秀到就好了 5年輕人不送信,不是甚麼能像電影裡面輕易的沒事了的事阿,或是說大家的爸都要是開賓士有小弟的? 6這部電影實在是給人隨便開玩笑玩樂過去也能成就事情的概念,真是拍出了台灣人所有的做事態度與過程,但就是沒拍出失敗的教訓!反而把大家都拍成英雄因為電影裡面那種劇情架構那些人會成功還真是世界上最不公平的事了! 他們當然可以搞笑 可是不等於隨便 我覺得不應該因為這部片好而好 或是因為是他的第一步片就甚麼都可以 那不是技術問題 而是觀念問題 我很喜歡李安的片!而且我也不覺得好萊屋看得懂, 我覺得那是細膩的感情 因為戲裡面的人 全部都很誠實的面對自己的慾望 然而面對自己的慾望後才能真心對待自己與情人 不像日本文學是壓抑慾望後的懦弱 你才剛從那個好幾個大砲對著台灣的大陸回來耶! 其實我們都是人類 我們應該珍惜世界上的一切 在分你我下去 太累了 我們應該更自由 更沒有防線 既然我們都不清處有沒有天堂 地球就是我們該保護的地方 人一旦有了自信 就不需要種族的支持 就不需要時代的庇護所 就能自由自在的穿梭在一切裡 美妙的事物到處都是 只守護著一件 而不再探索 怎麼會知道該珍惜他多少呢?
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| | 發表 shujingyen 回給 suza (阿霞) | 寫入 09/06/10 (三) 02:20:03 From 69.181.* | Politics, History, and Arts – Some Afterthoughts of ‘ Sea Cape No. 7’ Prelude First I need to apologize for typing this in English as I am quite deficient in my Chinese typing skills. Second I need to warm the readers for the lengthy texts that you are about to read. Because my academic training, I became wordy at times, exceedingly so one may say. At the same time, I feel such a lengthy narrative and explanations are necessary in order to engage in a somewhat deeper discussion of what the movie means to me personally. Nov. 24, 2008, I was at San Diego for a Thanksgiving get-together at a friend’s house, friends from Taiwan of course. Because I don’t read Taiwanese news often, I was totally ignorant about the hype surrounding this movie. I sat down to watch the movie with no predisposition and anticipation what so ever. Being a movie enthusiast myself, I have to say that I love this movie. It is entertaining, it has a good story line, it has great actors, it has great music, it has very funny conversations, and it was beautifully filmed. Of course, it is not perfect. But yet which movie is ‘perfect’??? Everyone deserves their own opinions about the movie; however, I was later stunned by all the controversies surrounding the movie, especially after the Golden Horse Award. I have decided to write an essay about this as I asked myself three very simple questions: (1) When was last time a Taiwanese movie stirred up so much discussions in such a magnitude? (2) When was the last time a move led you to reflect on the place you grew up and what the people who were portrayed in the movie meant to you and made you laugh so hard that you can’t stop? (3) When was the last time that a Taiwanese movie triggered so many emotional debates among intellectual elites and ordinary people alike about the effect of Japanese colonization in Taiwan and about the ‘inferiority’ of the Taiwanese culture? Based on the questions and answers alone, I think it movie is a monumental success. In this essay, I want to first point out why I love this movie (Part 1) follows my thoughts regarding why this movie might stir up some very deep historical emotions, political fears, hatred, resentment, and mostly importantly the cultural conflicts among Japan, China, and Taiwan (Part 2). I also want to talk about why these controversies are by themselves very positive as it is about time ordinary people like you and I argue about why there were so many curse words in the moving and whether we were somehow embarrassed by these curse words, as opposed to letting the so-call scholars, politicians, movie critics tell us how we should judge the movie, how to feel about this movie, what this movie does or should represent, as well as how we should react to the movie. After all, we are the audiences for whom the movie was made for and who paid to watch and movie. And the great thing about this movie is that it is not just a movie. Somehow it has the ability for us to argue about things that are important to us. And it is through these reflections and open discussions where we reach a better understanding and some agreement about our history in terms of where we came from, where we have been , and where we go from here. Lastly, I would like this essay partly as my tribute to 文政, Vincent, as I saw his comments in this blog on December, 15, 2008 and I have always thought about responding to him but never got to.. which turned up to be one of greatest regrets of my life. Note that I have been reading this BLOG for a while and this is the first time I respond to the BLOG. Part 1. Why I love this movie? First main reason I love this movie is its lively characterization of everyday Taiwanese. Whether the movie has to use all Taiwanese is perhaps irrelevant. However, I am sure that most readers will agree that if they were to speak Mandarin instead, there is no question that the authenticity of the expressions and the subtleness of the communications (between the lines) were had been greatly discounted. Now I have made such a statement, I need to address the discontent from many people about how the movie reflects a sub cultural that they are not very proud of. But I take issue on this view. Unlike many like Vincent who said that the people portrayed in the movie were somehow 'lower class' people who perhaps were un educated and used perhaps too many curse words. I will characterize them as being raw and at most un-polished, if I am pressed hard. (I will address the use of curse words in Part 2 of my essay.) I will not go as far as saying that they are not sophisticated as in many ways they are sophisticated in the context of the environment they live in. They are in fact more sophisticated than people like us who may not have any ideas how to behave ‘properly’ in that situation. I don't think it is even fair to criticize the movie for portraying Taiwanese as un-educated and un-sophisticated. This movie never claims to represent all or regular Taiwanese. That was not what the movie was about. This is a love story on surface with an undercurrent that touches on the rippling effects of Japanese and KMT occupation and how these effects are laced in the daily lives of the people in this small town who by defintion are from every walks of life. This movie was not about how some elite College graduates from NTU for example pondering over how to get by in their seven figure salaries and planning their next trip abroad in Europe. If you want to see a movie where people only use proper words in the movie, then watch a different movie instead. Second main reason I love the movie is its un repenting and un apologetic descriptions of the struggles for survival of the ordinary people. That is putting the quality of acting and whether the portraits of these struggles are ‘real’ aside although I do want to say something about the latter. Someone on the BLOG commented on the portraits of the leading actor’s frustration of throwing the guitar was somehow ‘inconsistent’ with his age. Not being a 20 some years old musician myself precludes me from judging whether these exhibited behaviors are real. Personally, I think these behaviors could be real, as I have gone through two teenagers throwing temper tantrum not long ago. To me, the emotional explosion and outburst as well as the anger exhibited are understandable natural human behaviors. But what does it matter if these portraits are not real or not authentic? Let us not forget that this is a movie and that movie does not always have to reflect what people know is real. The beauty of arts which movie itself as an art form is to exenterate and exaggerate human behaviors and emotions in such as way that we can feel and be affected by the emotions and the story. Third main reason I love this movie is because the writer’s courage to take on a very big, complicated, and often time an emotional issue, that is to make us reflect on the fact that Taiwanese people and the so-call Taiwanese culture is ‘forced by colonization and wars’ a complicated fusion of Native Taiwanese, early Chinese immigrates, recent Chinese immigrates (those came with KMT), and Japanese influence. The reality of the fusion of many cultures and languages being forced on us is an important one and I need to call this out as my criticizine to many so-called intellectuals who have been writing about this issue in the newspapers and BLOGs as if we Taiwanese should somehow feel ashamed of being affected by the outside cultural influences and therefore not having our own identify? I am referring to, in particular, people criticizing the movie having a Japanese actor reading the love letters in the background (which in my opinion was very poetic and I don’t see anything wrong with it from an artist point of view). My answer to these critics is they are in fact blaming the victims. The Japanese colonization of Taiwan was tragic, so was the colonization of hundreds of undeveloped countries and territories around the globe during the great expansion of European and American power though out the 18th and 19th century. (Let us not forget that Taiwan, as a historical fact, has been colonized by the Imperial China for centuries before the Japanese occupation.) But before the critics open their big mouths, they ought to think about this. Was it the Taiwanese’s choice to be colonized? Did Taiwanese choose to be involved in the war? Did Taiwanese voluntarily give up their mother tongue and take on Japanese or, for argument’s sake, take on speaking Mandarin by choice? Were Taiwanese allowed to take a side in 1949, being part of Communist China or KMT or Japan or not part of anything at all? What the critics forgot which I think most of us tend to forget too is that people need to survive in adversity. And as an educated individual we should at least look at the history as well as the people affected by our history with emphathy. That is as opposed to only being critical. Taiwanese (as a group, let's not debate over the semantics) especially for our parent's generation and the generation before them have certainly paid their dues throughout its history as they suffered from a series of invaders and colonists while always struggling to find their own identify. Note that this struggle is not unique for Taiwan. Rather it is a course of nature for any country and any culture and at any point in human history. So what if the Taiwanese culture is a marginal culture of Chinese culture, a marginal culture of Japanese culture, and/or a marginal culture of the American culture? I would argue that a culture that does not take advantage of outside influence and therefore trying to survive in isolation is not only against the law of nature but also a culture that will face its demise eventually as what happened to the imperial China. I would argue further that the various cultural elements and languages brought upon us to this tiny island, willingly or not, are actually criticially important as they help to define where we have been and who were were before and we are now. In contrary to what the critics say, I will say that we should embrace the uniqueness of our fusion culture. Part 2 is a working progress...
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| | 發表 suza(阿霞) | 寫入 09/03/05 (四) 12:15:26 From 59.104.* | 哈 這不正是台灣現代的年輕人嗎? 所以可以這麼說麼? 這真是非常寫實的一部電影咧 是現今的年輕人變了 還是 我們的記憶模糊了? 阿霞
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| | 發表 Jonas(英傑) | 寫入 09/03/02 (一) 08:12:23 From 219.89.* | 文政兄, 又瞥見這一篇文章,想到你忽然不在了,人生啊。 上回你貼這文章,我沒多說。片子在2300萬人的土地上大賣,當然不會沒道理。只是你喜不喜歡其中的那個道理? 我也覺得片中最能感染我的是「唸那幾封日語發音中文字幕的信的部分」,這是很傑出的手法。不過,男主角一出場就摔琴,片中我記得還有像黃飛鴻那樣的凌空甩他老子的琴。已經不是少年家了,大人大種,行為舉止怎麼這麼嫩?三字經,幹來幹去,啐來啐去,粗俗當質樸,這是想表現很「台」嗎?男女兩個冷戰死撐,撐到嘩嘩嘩女的受不了,淚眼汪汪一示弱,男的就原諒她了,態度180度改變,這裡面全是對男女角色的成見與歧視。上了床,完了之後互相拉棉被遮,老天爺,這想說什麼……為什麼倉促成軍的樂團,最後關鍵忽然贏得大喝采,中間經歷過什麼有效的努力或轉折?好不容易拿了一封失散天涯的情書給老奶奶,怎麼一放就落跑?諸如此類的問題,我找不到答案。 紅,總是有紅的原因。但我不喜歡。 遲回了。 | ↑ |
| | 發表 Jonas(英傑) | 寫入 09/01/02 (五) 02:54:37 From 222.152.* | 前兩天讀了夏志清先生的著作《中國古典小說史論》。我覺得書中對《儒林外史》的評論,很多也能用在《海角七號》的優缺點上。今天又看了電影《扶桑花女孩》(2006),同樣講小鎮人情,卻有截然不同的力道。 | ↑ |
| | 發表 jimmylin(小林) | 寫入 08/12/23 (二) 14:34:15 From 220.130.* | 記得4、5年前看了一部電影,不知怎地就是蠻喜歡的,不管是故事內容、畫面、探討的主題等等都很吸引我(雲蟬學姐也有在此片軋上一角),是一部恐怖電影「雙瞳」,我還記得我跟老婆說這是我最喜歡的一部台灣恐怖電影。 上個月無意間又再電影台看了一遍雙瞳,看到片尾還是讓我回味無窮,最後跑出字幕,副導演「魏德聖」。原來我四、五年前就喜歡他的作品了,果然天才是藏不住的。 | ↑ |
| | 發表 jhsun(小孫) | 寫入 08/12/16 (二) 09:49:37 From 61.230.* | 這部電影裡有很多賣座的元素,音樂、偶像、愛情、笑料、風景、懷舊,最吸引我的是幾位甘草演員,份量比男女主角更重。馬如龍的粗話形象正是為了襯托他後來的鐵漢柔情,狠度比起港片裡的黑社會大哥差多了。 我推薦很多人去看「海角七號」,但是都不敢說「它一定是台灣電影史上的最佳影片,甚至幾乎是世界電影史上的最佳影片」,免得人家期望太高,只能說~~ 拍得很緊湊,輕鬆好笑,音樂好聽,文筆很美而已,這樣已經很值得看了。 其他片子我都沒看,所以也不知道為何得獎,不過「海角七號」得這三個獎,我覺得應該算實至名歸。 P.S.魏德聖輸給《投名狀》的感想~~ 他說:「你們一看也知道級數不一樣,《投名狀》或《集結號》都沒話講。我算B段班最好的。如果真的是我得獎,我上台還不知要講啥咧!」 很有氣度和EQ 的導演,值得期待他未來的作品! 小孫
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| | 發表 vjso(文政) | 寫入 08/12/15 (一) 17:06:50 From 220.142.* | 「海角七號」我覺得最能感染我的是唸那幾封日語發音中文字幕的信的部分, 最不喜歡的是恆春地方的居民怎麼表現出來的是粗俗的一面, 其他的覺得很普通. 但好久沒有看到國片了, 總是有期待. 以下這篇政治角度的評論倒是值得一看. 政治是部分人喜歡, 部分人厭惡的東西. 有的人厭惡政治, 卻關心政治, 我是屬於這一類的. 轉錄自: [相關連結] http:\\blog.nownews.com 海角七號金馬大獎全軍覆沒,證明台灣人的品味是有問題的!? 原著 [相關連結] http:\\www.taiwanus.net [Eunice]於2008-12-10 08:41:23上傳 [許永德] 第四十五屆金馬獎落幕,台灣電影全軍覆沒,再一次證明台灣人的品味是有問題的,起碼在看電影的品味上。為什麼不是金馬獎評審有問題?因為金馬獎評審都急著想當中國電影的推手,這些「有品味的評審」根本覺得喜歡「海角七號」的台灣人是沒有水準的,更重要的:被中國杯葛的電影,如果你給他大獎,中國就杯葛你金馬獎,將來就不邀請這些評審去中國,甚至就將這些評審列入黑名單,封殺! 我自己是學電影的,學習製作三年,研究所念「電影學」兩年,在大學教電視電影,不敢稱自己是電影學者,因為電影學者認為票房好的電影不可能會是最佳影片。「海角七號」在台灣的票房,可以打敗歷史上任何一部台港中出品的電影,甚至幾乎打敗歷史上任何一部洋片,連沒有看過「海角七號」的台灣人都可以判定,它一定是台灣電影史上的最佳影片,甚至幾乎是世界電影史上的最佳影片。但是「海角七號」卻不是金馬獎的「最佳電影」,那麼台灣觀眾的品味不是有問題是什麼? 最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳男女主角獎,台灣電影通通沒份,如果錯不在金馬獎評審,錯一定是在台灣觀眾沒品味,難不成是錯在「電影」這個東西本身?其實真正的錯,是在台灣是鳥不語花不香、不應該有文化、不應該有電影的中國的「地方」;也錯在魏德聖導演不應該拿阿扁時代的新聞局輔導金拍電影的。專門負責對台統戰的陳雲林看了「海角七號」,認為魏德聖的電影拍得並不好,只有電影裡面台灣的海是美麗的,只有電影裡面台灣的土地是牠想要的。 馬英九碰什麼,什麼就倒,圓環、西門市場、萬華地下街以外,連他上任總統就奇蹟似地破票房紀錄的「海角七號」,都得不到「九劉政府」辦的第一次金馬獎應有的肯定,因為這一切代表台灣庶民文化的東西,都是馬政府要消滅的。今年金馬獎不但不願將大獎頒給台灣電影,金馬影展還對「大導演」李行作了六十年回顧展,打從我讀電影,就流行一句話:「李行,你到底那裡行?」回顧他的六十年電影生涯,有三十年幫國民黨拍政治宣傳片,而過去的這三十年,連一部電影也沒拍過吧?為什麼為他作回顧?國民黨專制獨裁政權都復辟了,回顧一下國民黨大導演當然也沒啥不可,更何況他可是道道地地的中國人、中國導演。 台灣在反共抗俄的時代,曾經是亞洲電影王國,卻在過去十年,幾乎可以宣布台灣電影已經死亡,今年好不容易看到好幾部由馬英九口中的「前朝」輔導出來的「國片」,包括「海角七號」、「囧男孩」、「渺渺」等眾多好電影大放異彩,有的叫好、有的叫座,更有的既叫好又叫座,然而「今朝」新聞局主辦的金馬獎,仍然寧願把大獎頒給香港中國合製、空有好萊塢技術,內容卻完全不知所云的電影,也不願意對納稅來辦如此盛會的台灣人,掏錢進戲院看台灣電影的台灣觀眾有所交代,除了可悲和可恥,想不出其他的話語可以形容。 許永德(世新大學廣播電視電影系兼任講師) ---------------
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