| 寫入 07/03/19 (一) 00:54:58 From 59.104.* | 各位會腳: 完成『古印度』的閱讀,感覺一點如下。 請 大家也盡早分享閱讀心得。 阿霞 -- -------------------------------------------------- 夢徊印度 在髒亂中尋找古文明,是迷惑亦或是迷人的。 古印度在公元前三千年前就發明了下水道和廁所, 特別是摩亨佐達羅的蹲式廁所已令考古學家稱奇, 而 現今的印度男人卻可以隨意地、無所不在地任意撒尿。 文明倒退了,還是文明只是向前行。 雅利安人在公元前1200年左右進入了印度河流域, 雅利安的意思是:生而自由的、有高貴身份的。 自由與高貴終究只是自我的,為此,影響深遠的種姓制度至今依稀存在邊遠城鎮, 在『原人歌』中,古印度的祭司們給世人描繪了其緣由: 當眾神把普魯沙分割,他們劃分了什麼?…….. 他的口是婆羅門,他的雙臂變成了剎帝利,他的腿成為吠舍,而從他的腳上生出首陀羅。 卑微的人如何與歷史抗爭,卑微的歷史卻難平息。 無論你怎麼稱呼它----Varanasi,Banaras或Kashi, 恆河流經的這個迷住遊客、讓人神魂顛倒的城鎮,都不會存有絲毫抵觸。 綿延的恆河階梯,連串著數千的寺廟和祭壇, 祭司、祈禱者、淨身者、浸泡在聖河準備前往天國者與莫名的旅人,共同編織著印度精神生活。 在晨曦來臨前的剎那、在迷茫白霧與金黃色調中,最神聖的自我活動進行著, 搗衣聲、祈禱聲、祈誦聲、焚燒聲、划船聲與悠悠流水聲,訴說了古老軼事, 而恆河只是靜靜地上演著它永恆不朽的原始生命。 探訪瓦拉那西是啞口無言的,只能用心眼閱讀。 Orchha Fort是紀念蒙兀兒帝王Jahangir和Orchha統治者Vir Singh間的友誼 以及女詩人Rai Praveen不為阿克巴的權勢誘惑背棄他的軟弱無能的情夫, 因忠貞而得來的皇宮賞識。 Orchha的迷人除了其故事性外,內部有著蒙兀兒典型的石頭格窗,多數拱門涼亭、精緻的繪畫雕刻、浪漫的騎樓通道貫穿其間、其牆壁顏色也裝飾的鮮豔雅致。 儘管多處破舊,在搖搖欲墜中,依舊不減當年遙遠欲逝的美麗。 徘徊夢中的印度,留戀著輪廓不清的古文明。 阿霞 ---------------------------------------------- I watched the Indian film " Water" in the plane on the way back to New York from Taiwan. It is such a beautiful and moving movie telling the cruelties toward widows in India. At the very beginning of the film, the 8 years old lively little girl was awakened in the sleep by her father, she was asked if she remembered that she was married, she shook her head, and her father told her that her husband died and she was a widow. She rubbed her eyes and asked: "For how long? Papa." Then her head was shaved, bracelet removed, changed to white robe and she was sent to widow house where they live together as outcast of the society. The women are inferior when their husband passed away. I was shocked of the dark side of their religion. The cruelty of custom does not discriminate the age of victim. I had to stop watching movie for a while. The scenery was very beautiful and as they explained in the commentary that part of their intention was also to use the beauty of the scene to take away the pain in the story. Indian culture is always mysterious to me. It was quite an experience to watch this movie and I will continue with the "Fire" and "Earth". Chwen lih ----------------------------------------------- 在雅利安人的時代,印度人就有焚燒寡婦的陋習,直到公元前4世紀,據記載, > 在旁遮普(現今巴基斯坦)的迦特族中寡婦殉葬十分盛行。 > 回顧歷史總有傷心的一面,讓我們看看現今的印度吧。 > > 快速崛起的印度,將給台灣年輕人一些威脅麼? > CNN週日(18日)開始將有一個特別報導:eye on India (連續一個星期) > 介紹年輕人眾多的印度現代年輕人。 > [相關連結] http:\\edition.cnn.com > > 先聽一下印度音樂,抒解心情。進入後,點選A deeper > look中的India's > royal musical family gives back。不錯聽聽。 > > 阿霞 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 古今中外,帝王貴族權勢者,死後留下的龐大後宮,對他們家族似乎經常是很大的 『問題』。 而基於權力意志下的『倫理』,對弱勢女子的待遇,往往有此種種慘無人道。 寵愛的妃子隨棺殉葬,經常是種簡單乾淨的處置,除讓自己死後不寂寞,更大 功能是以免他人染指吧。 也有王室考慮『母后干政』,太子登基日,就是母親賜死時。這樣的人倫,對 後王、百姓也不知是什麼樣的滋味、示範。 而比較不文明的民族,如匈奴,對后妃處置待遇似乎還來得文明些,比較文明 的「不倫之戀」。對先王的美麗后妃,除了自己的母親,後王一律全部娶下來 ,又人道又不浪費民族優良血統。只是史書沒交代,對爸爸的其他小孩,仍然 叫兄弟姐妹呢?還是也變成小孩?然後自己跟先王后妃後生的小孩,與先王跟 后妃先生的小孩,到底算是兄弟姊妹呢?還是要叫伯叔姑媽之類的?唉,真是 難題啊,這世界果真的十分不完美。 cheers, spring ----------------------------------------------------------------
| 太陽出來時,向它祈禱(159 KB) | | 沿岸的淨身者(203 KB) | | 無論年齡、職業、家離恆河多遠(137 KB) | | 白茫茫中,迷惘的訪客(69 KB) | | 不敢下水淨身的旅人,可以放水燈祈禱(158 KB) | | 涼亭眾多的Orchha(151 KB) | | 雅致涼亭近觀(155 KB) | | 牆壁點綴色彩鮮豔 in Orchha(85 KB) | | 美麗窗戶in Orchha(187 KB) |
| 發表 suza | 寫入 07/04/11 (三) 13:57:59 From 59.104.* | Indian people and Indian religions had been intriguing me for a while. I had done some studying in the past and would like to share some views with you in return if you don't mind reading them in English. The modern Indians are the mixed product of fair skinned Aryans and dark-skinned Dravidians. It is a process of several thousand years long. About 2500 B.C. Aryans people invaded indian plains from the northwestern corner (now Parkistan). For the next few thousand years, they moved eastward along Gange river and also filtrated southward battling, at the same time mingling with the local Dravidians along the way. They brought with them their own religion, Braminism, with Bramin as a major god among other minor ones. Later, Braminism absorbed local elements or deities and emerged as a religion of 3 major gods. Shiva is one of the three. He is originally a dravidian god as you can see his face is black. Who were these Aryan people? It is still pretty much a mystery so far. A popular theory goes like this. Aryans originated from south of Caucus mountain in southern Russia, thus a white race. Through history, their steps spread from western Europe to India. They were the ancestors of the so called "Indo-Europeans". In all European languages and most of wstern Asia and middle east ones, one can see similar roots because of this common ancestry. Before they invaded India, the Aryans stayed in Iran for a long time. The name"Iran" means "Land of Aryans". Hitler, so proud of being an Aryan decendant declared the German Aryans as a super race. He once launched a search for "pure Aryans". And it was believed that there weren't any pure Aryans existed now except maybe in certain pockets of Himalayan villages. Now we can understand the Aryans became distinct because the white skin pigment as well as blue eyes are genetically recessive genes. When mixed with other races, the dark skins, dark hairs and dark eyes will become dominant traits. In the beginning, the Aryans did try to prevent their blood from being tainted by other people. The original caste system was established for this purposse. The "caste" in its original language means "color" not "classes" as it was later developed into. It is very difficult to trace Indian history because they don't have the habbit of recording their own histories. They don't record their histories because they don't think it worth recording. This attitude is a reflection of their religoin. Indian religion, or Hinduism to be specific, has a unique persective toward "time". They looked at "time" from a viewpoint of a universe. Any given "moment" was measured by tens of thousands of years. From this viewpoint a life time on earth is only a fleeting moment, only a brief passing, so insignificant, therefore, not worth mentioning. This passive attitude toward this life is also clearly reflected, or should I say, inherited by Buddism. When Budda established Buddism in the 7th century B. C., it was a reaction toward a corruptive mainstream Braminism, just like Jesus established Christianity in reaction to the corrruptive Judaism at his time. He tried to give the masses a more human and fairer alternative belief. But it also carried a baggage load of philosophies from Braminism. Buddism replaced the status of Braminism and flourished in India for more than a thousand years until Braminism later re-emerged as Hinduism. When Hinduism declared Budda as one member of its pantheon, Buddism (greaat vehicle) was thus absorbed into Hinduism and gradually became indistinguishable. Fortunately by that time, Buddism had spread through the rest of Asia and put on different faces like Chinese,Tibatan or Japanese, etc.etc. This is only my personal views of Buddism and Hinduism through some reading and my speculation. You may or may not agree. But I hope you enjoy reading them. Angela 愛蘭
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| | 發表 suza | 寫入 07/03/19 (一) 00:54:58 From 59.104.* | 各位會腳: 完成『古印度』的閱讀,感覺一點如下。 請 大家也盡早分享閱讀心得。 阿霞 -- -------------------------------------------------- 夢徊印度 在髒亂中尋找古文明,是迷惑亦或是迷人的。 古印度在公元前三千年前就發明了下水道和廁所, 特別是摩亨佐達羅的蹲式廁所已令考古學家稱奇, 而 現今的印度男人卻可以隨意地、無所不在地任意撒尿。 文明倒退了,還是文明只是向前行。 雅利安人在公元前1200年左右進入了印度河流域, 雅利安的意思是:生而自由的、有高貴身份的。 自由與高貴終究只是自我的,為此,影響深遠的種姓制度至今依稀存在邊遠城鎮, 在『原人歌』中,古印度的祭司們給世人描繪了其緣由: 當眾神把普魯沙分割,他們劃分了什麼?…….. 他的口是婆羅門,他的雙臂變成了剎帝利,他的腿成為吠舍,而從他的腳上生出首陀羅。 卑微的人如何與歷史抗爭,卑微的歷史卻難平息。 無論你怎麼稱呼它----Varanasi,Banaras或Kashi, 恆河流經的這個迷住遊客、讓人神魂顛倒的城鎮,都不會存有絲毫抵觸。 綿延的恆河階梯,連串著數千的寺廟和祭壇, 祭司、祈禱者、淨身者、浸泡在聖河準備前往天國者與莫名的旅人,共同編織著印度精神生活。 在晨曦來臨前的剎那、在迷茫白霧與金黃色調中,最神聖的自我活動進行著, 搗衣聲、祈禱聲、祈誦聲、焚燒聲、划船聲與悠悠流水聲,訴說了古老軼事, 而恆河只是靜靜地上演著它永恆不朽的原始生命。 探訪瓦拉那西是啞口無言的,只能用心眼閱讀。 Orchha Fort是紀念蒙兀兒帝王Jahangir和Orchha統治者Vir Singh間的友誼 以及女詩人Rai Praveen不為阿克巴的權勢誘惑背棄他的軟弱無能的情夫, 因忠貞而得來的皇宮賞識。 Orchha的迷人除了其故事性外,內部有著蒙兀兒典型的石頭格窗,多數拱門涼亭、精緻的繪畫雕刻、浪漫的騎樓通道貫穿其間、其牆壁顏色也裝飾的鮮豔雅致。 儘管多處破舊,在搖搖欲墜中,依舊不減當年遙遠欲逝的美麗。 徘徊夢中的印度,留戀著輪廓不清的古文明。 阿霞 ---------------------------------------------- I watched the Indian film " Water" in the plane on the way back to New York from Taiwan. It is such a beautiful and moving movie telling the cruelties toward widows in India. At the very beginning of the film, the 8 years old lively little girl was awakened in the sleep by her father, she was asked if she remembered that she was married, she shook her head, and her father told her that her husband died and she was a widow. She rubbed her eyes and asked: "For how long? Papa." Then her head was shaved, bracelet removed, changed to white robe and she was sent to widow house where they live together as outcast of the society. The women are inferior when their husband passed away. I was shocked of the dark side of their religion. The cruelty of custom does not discriminate the age of victim. I had to stop watching movie for a while. The scenery was very beautiful and as they explained in the commentary that part of their intention was also to use the beauty of the scene to take away the pain in the story. Indian culture is always mysterious to me. It was quite an experience to watch this movie and I will continue with the "Fire" and "Earth". Chwen lih ----------------------------------------------- 在雅利安人的時代,印度人就有焚燒寡婦的陋習,直到公元前4世紀,據記載, > 在旁遮普(現今巴基斯坦)的迦特族中寡婦殉葬十分盛行。 > 回顧歷史總有傷心的一面,讓我們看看現今的印度吧。 > > 快速崛起的印度,將給台灣年輕人一些威脅麼? > CNN週日(18日)開始將有一個特別報導:eye on India (連續一個星期) > 介紹年輕人眾多的印度現代年輕人。 > [相關連結] http:\\edition.cnn.com > > 先聽一下印度音樂,抒解心情。進入後,點選A deeper > look中的India's > royal musical family gives back。不錯聽聽。 > > 阿霞 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 古今中外,帝王貴族權勢者,死後留下的龐大後宮,對他們家族似乎經常是很大的 『問題』。 而基於權力意志下的『倫理』,對弱勢女子的待遇,往往有此種種慘無人道。 寵愛的妃子隨棺殉葬,經常是種簡單乾淨的處置,除讓自己死後不寂寞,更大 功能是以免他人染指吧。 也有王室考慮『母后干政』,太子登基日,就是母親賜死時。這樣的人倫,對 後王、百姓也不知是什麼樣的滋味、示範。 而比較不文明的民族,如匈奴,對后妃處置待遇似乎還來得文明些,比較文明 的「不倫之戀」。對先王的美麗后妃,除了自己的母親,後王一律全部娶下來 ,又人道又不浪費民族優良血統。只是史書沒交代,對爸爸的其他小孩,仍然 叫兄弟姐妹呢?還是也變成小孩?然後自己跟先王后妃後生的小孩,與先王跟 后妃先生的小孩,到底算是兄弟姊妹呢?還是要叫伯叔姑媽之類的?唉,真是 難題啊,這世界果真的十分不完美。 cheers, spring ----------------------------------------------------------------
| 太陽出來時,向它祈禱(159 KB) | | 沿岸的淨身者(203 KB) | | 無論年齡、職業、家離恆河多遠(137 KB) | | 白茫茫中,迷惘的訪客(69 KB) | | 不敢下水淨身的旅人,可以放水燈祈禱(158 KB) | | 涼亭眾多的Orchha(151 KB) | | 雅致涼亭近觀(155 KB) | | 牆壁點綴色彩鮮豔 in Orchha(85 KB) | | 美麗窗戶in Orchha(187 KB) |
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